I decided to get a little crafty and make Chandelier/ Lamp Cord covers! They are DAR-LING. These would be great for baby shower gifts, valentines day gifts, wedding gifts, or birthdays!!! They are only $8.00 each or $6.oo each when you buy 2 or more. You can choose from black, gold, or white!!! (More colors to come soon) (Custom colors are an option, email me for details) You can pick yours up locally, or email me for details on FREE SHIPPING! The cords are 57" long (Just under 5ft long) and they will cover any cord length between 1 foot-3 1/2 feet. (Custom lengths are also available, email me for details)
If you feel like SPOILING yourself, or anybody else, email me at spoiledrottenchicblog@gmail.com to put in an order!
This is a picture of my AMAZING new chandelier that I put up in my bed room. I used a black cord cover for the chain.

This is my new chandelier I put in my dining room above the table. I covered it with a gold cord cover.
Here are the color options: